Polka De-Alc Sparkling Rosé


Polka’s newest addition to the range is a sparkling rosé, made from South Australian wine and featuring the native botanical Davidson Plum. A naturally bitter, tart, deep red fruit which adds depth to our red fruit characteristics.

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De-alc South Australian wine, grape juice concentrate, Davidson Plum extract, ascorbic acid, sulphites.


Serving suggestion:

Keep refrigerated and serve cold in a champagne flute or coupe. Once opened, the sparkling should keep its fizz for up to 5 days with a champagne stopper.



Servings per package: 7.5
Serving size: 100ml

Average Qty Per 100g:
/ Energy (kj): 105
/ Protein (g): 0.0
/ Fat, Total (g): 0.0
/ Fat, Saturated: 0.0
/ Carbohydrate (g): 6
/ Sugars: 4.6
/ Dietary Fibre (g): 5
/ Sodium (mg): 5



POLKA, are passionate about savouring the moment, whether toasting, hosting, or relaxing. They are also passionate about crafting non-alcoholic beverages that don't compromise on taste. Founded in South Australia in 2021 by Ben and Emma Mellows, POLKA have combined premium local wine, natural extracts, and native botanicals to create non-alcoholic drinks with complex, sophisticated flavors using top-quality ingredients to deliver memorable taste experiences. Cheers to flavour!

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